* * News Stand * *
31st August 1998
Yay! It's nearly done! Oh, and if you're wondering why it took me so long, I've had a lot on my mind. Like moving house 70 miles south, and having a very sick horse to deal with. It's enough, believe me. The village and Hanson are next, I promise...I'll have 'em up before I do back to school.
17th August 1998
This page is having it's first facelift in months! I think that's a good thing, I'm going to sit here and wait for any comments to come in. I *think* this is a change for the better, but I'll just have to see what Jo says about that. Also, some places are going to get updated faster than others. First, I'm going to get the front end sorted out, next up for a facelift is the Hanson area, followed by the BZ area, followed by the rest. There are two reasons why Hanson are getting done first - Firstly, personal preference. I like Hanson better, and I think most of the people who come here do as well. That's what the survey said first time I did it :) Secondly, there are less Hansons to sort out, three of them compared with five in bz *g* Lazy? ME?! Never....